The University of Crete (UoC) is a multi-disciplinary, research-oriented University with a well-known reputation both nationally and internationally, with state-of-the art curricula and graduate programs, considerable research activity and initiatives that reflect its dynamic character. The Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC) established in 1980, being a pioneer institute at national and European level in several aspects of biological and geological diversity. The first aspect regards research on the environment of the Eastern Mediterranean at all levels, while the second aspect concerns the active diffusion of the knowledge accumulated to all the sectors of the society. NHMC holds an extensive experience in biodiversity conservation projects, in research projects for protecting coastal and marine resources for sustainable uses, in climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, as well as in civil protection projects.

Innovations to prevent and combat desertification in Asterousia Mountains area, Crete, Greece. Ecological restoration practices:

  •  green infrastructure (e.g., stone piles, brush piles-wooden trunks, stone walls, small ponds);
  • conservation agriculture practices in olive orchards (minimum tillage, strip-tillage; legume-based cover crops; establishment of semi-natural / uncultivated strips in olive fields).

Precision water management. Experience and proposals through the “NBS Restoration Plan for Asterousia Mountains” produced within the NewLife4Drylands (LIFE20 PRE/IT/000007) project.

“Identify and promote the expansion of innovative and tailored solutions to prevent and reverse land degradation and desertification (LDD), while showcasing their socio-economic and environmental effectiveness in Asterousia Mountains’ area. Experience gained in aforementioned issues in other Mediterranean countries will be of great assistance to the implementation of action in Crete.”


Laboratory Teaching Staff of UoC and Head of the Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Management of UoC – NHMC. Project Coordinator of MONALISA project. Participation in WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP5 of MONALISA project.


Professor in the Biology Department of the University of Crete (UoC), Director of UoC – NHMC & Curator of the Genomics and Genetic Resources Department of UoC – NHMC. Project Manager of MONALISA project. Participation in WP1, WP2 and WP4 of MONALISA project.


Laboratory Teaching Staff of UoC and Curator of the Vertebrates Division of UoC – NHMC. Field Monitoring Officer of MONALISA project. Participation in WP2 and WP5 of MONALISA project.


Curator in the Botany Division of UoC – NHMC.
Project Assistant coordinator in MONALISA project. Participation in WP1, WP2 and WP5 of MONALISA project.


Technical Assistant & Laboratory Staff of UoC and Museum Technician – Collection manager (Botany Division) of UoC – NHMC. Field Monitoring Officer of MONALISA project. Participation in WP2 and WP5 of MONALISA project.


Associated Collaborator in the Laboratory of Ecology & Environmental Management of UoC – NHMC. Administrative and communication assistant. Participation in WP4 and WP5 of MONALISA project.


Led by the University of Sassari, the MONALISA is a EU Soil Mission project that brings together leaders from industry, policy, government, research, academia, and science across Mediterranean to collaborate on the next generation of solutions to combat land degradation and desertification processes in the climate-sensitive drylands through innovative planning and management.


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